In the Battlefield

Long Yu Yan entered the arena, as a Junior Elder in the Eight level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm she was more than qualified to judge the fourth and last battle of the preliminaries to get the last 8 participants for the next round.

Although Long Yu Yan wasn't as well endowed as the Dragon Queen or as beautiful as the Dragon Princess, her alluring figure alongside her cold expression bewitched all the participants in the arena.

Long Lao Er finally got into the arena, as many other participants looked at him.

"Look, it's that guy who saved the princess and all those kids."

"Isn't he the bastard that was flirting with the Dragon Princess?"

"He's so cool, when I grow up I want to be like him."

"He's so dreamy, do you think he's dating the princess?"

There were many people commenting about Long Lao Er. Positive and negative comments were overflowing from the audience.

Long Suanni was looking at Long Lao Er with expectant eyes, waiting for him to win. Equally her mother, the Dragon Queen and Long Lao Er's master, Long Fuxi was proudly looking at her pupil as she exchanged words with Long Yi and Puani.

The Dragon King was looking at Long Lao with curious eyes. He knew that Long Lao Er unlike other Dragons, didn't posses a core. So he was curious on how Long Yi's grandson managed to save his daughter and the kids.

He also wanted to know why his daughter loved him so much and why his wife liked him and encourage his relationship with their daughter.

On the sidelines, Long ZhangLang and Qiong were recuperating by taking Qi essence replenishing pills. Long ZhangLang with hostility in his eyes was waiting for Long Lao Er to lose and get crippled.

Contrary to his brother, Long Qiong maintain a calmed expression as he expected that his plan would work.




All the participants for the fourth arena were gathered and half of the them had been bought out by Long ZhangLang to finish Long Lao Er.

"You're really unlucky Long Lao Er, we are going to cripple you!"

"For you to flirt with brother Qiong's woman equals you courting death!"

"I hope you made your will, because today is your last day!"

"It would be better if you surrender right now, that way even if you embarrass yourself at least you will be alive!"

Like that many participants started harassing Long Lao Er, before the fight had actually started.

Long Yu Yan was angry at the participants that were harassing Long Lao Er, but there was nothing she could do since harassing wasn't forbidden. Unless they attack before the fight started, she couldn't act.

While everyone was harassing him, unknown to everyone; Long Lao Er was not only circulating his own Qi essence, he was also circulating the external Qi essence around him and only the Dragon Queen had noticed it.

Long Fuxi, the Dragon Queen who was Long Lao Er's master noticed that his pupil was preparing to do something big the moment the fight started, so she felt proud that her dear love...

Wait what was I thinking, he's only my pupil and my future son in law. I must erase those thoughts from my head, thought Long Fuxi as she gently looked at her pupil.

Long Yu Yan declared the battle for the fourth arena initiated.

Contrary to Long ZhangLang's and Qiong's expectations who foresaw all the participants ganging up on Long Lao Er and him just fleeing; Long Lao Er unleashed his Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art.

But his art instead of producing the Dragon, just produced the roar, paralyzing all the participants surrounding Long Lao Er.

Just as Long Fuxi had expected, her pupil had used the external Qi essence instead of his own, not only to save some Qi essence but to produce a powerful deterrent. That paralyzed as much people as he could.

Long Lao Er had used the unused external Qi essence from the art and directed it into the array of his shoes.

Long Lao Er began moving at lightning speed. To common people it looked like thousands of illusory figures had appeared, for Qi Condensation Realm cultivators, they thought that hundreds of illusory figures had shown of. For Qi Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators they could see several dozens of illusory figures, while Core Formation Realm cultivators saw 5 or 6 illusory figures and finally the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators could see Long Lao Er's illusory figure appear and disappear from time to time. Indeed he was really fast.

Due to the great output of external Qi essence, Long Lao Er had been able to achieved those results. So he used the next 10 seconds as best as possible and mixing Bajiquan forms with internal Qi essence; Long Lao Er executed his Dragon Sealing art upon all of his opponents, the ones that had been paralyzed had, had 1 or 2 accupoints sealed by Long Lao Er.

Now those contestants were defenseless as they noticed that it was hard to circulate their Qi essence and therefore they couldn't use Qi essence to use arts or defend themselves so they were now frightened.

Long Lao Er circulated his own Qi essence and unleashed his Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art. A magnificent Dragon made of Qi essence appeared and went towards all the weakened cultivators taking out 100 opponents.

But before Long Lao Er could continue, the judge interrupted him.

"Participant Lao Er, you are disqualified for breaking the rules. Didn't you use a weapon to finish your opponents?"

Asked Long Yu Yan.

But before Long Lao Er could defend himself, Long Yi with a loud and clear voice said.

"You're wrong Yu Yan. It's true that Long Lao Lao Er was using an array in his shoes to get that kind of speed, but his shoes aren't weapons and as far as I know, arrays aren't forbidden. Right your majesty?"

Long Yi asked the Dragon King.

"Indeed, as always you are right."

Replied the Dragon King.

Seeing how Long Yi and the Dragon King didn't supported her decision she allowed Long Lao Er to continue.

Truth to be told, Long Yu Yan always knew that Long Lao Er hadn't broken any rule, she knew that a conspiracy had been put in motion to cripple Long Lao Er, so she wanted to help him escape by pulling him out of the fight. Also she thought that Long Lao Er would be extremely tired after pulling this stunt, she didn't want this genius to be put out of commission by a bunch of jealous jerks.

But contrary to her expectations Long Lao Er wasn't tired at all and once again before the other 400 malicious opponents could do anything, he went into flash lightning mode and generated more illusory figures which used the Dragon Sealing art to weaken his opponents and unleashed his Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art to beat them out.

There was nothing those guys could do to even touch Long Lao Er. Everytime they thought they had him, the figure would vanish.

No art or physical attack could harm him as all the illusory figures that were hit, simply vanished.

And like that Long Lao Er was able to finish the evildoers.

Still, there were 499 opponents left and Long Lao Er was far from being tired.

He wanted to show Long ZhangLang and Qiong, who the boss was. It wasn't enough to beat their goons, he had to make his enemies realize that he was stronger than them.

Once again Long Lao Er circulated external Qi essence and unleashed once again his Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art.

The first time he didn't unleashed his art using external Qi essence, because he knew that no all of his opponents would be beaten and he would end up completely exhausted, so as long as there were survivors left, it would be over for him.

But if he could get rid of at least half of his opponents, he could use this trick without fear of retaliation.

The only reason he didn't continued with his first strategy was because he wanted to break Long Qiong's record as fast as possible.

To everyone's surprise a much magnificent Dragon than before appeared. It was not only more magnificent than before, but bigger. It's roar scared the hell out of the participants left, as the Dragon moved like it had life, it went cluster after cluster of participants left before it flew into the sky.

With no participants left Long Yu Yan was left with no choice but to pickup the last 7 participants thrown out of the arena, so with Long Lao Er, they could have 8 participants for the next round.