Crippled by the opponent

This battle had evolved from a fight between Qi Condensation Realm cultivators into what everyone thought would be a massacre.

"It seems that this battle has been decided."

"That Lao Er did a good job but now it's over."

"Heck yeah, I bet on Qiong's victory, even if I don't earn too much a victory is a victory."

And just like those comments, the people at the audience were making similar remarks and even the elders and the Dragon King were thinking that it was pointless to continue the battle, should they just already declared Long Qiong as champion?

They didn't because the calmed Dragon Queen wouldn't allow them as she knew that her pupil might still have a chance to turn it back. Only the Dragon Queen and her daughter harbored hope that Long Lao Er could turn back this situation and win.




Both Long Lao Er and Qiong circulated their Qi essence and disappeared but several seconds later, Long Lao Er's figure could be seen falling into the arena's floor when suddenly that figure changed directions once more, now it was moving up, and once again it changed directions and was moving left, right, forward, down, back, left, up, right and down.

Long Qiong was playing with Long Lao Er's body as he kept using simple weak yet fast attacks like if his opponent was a ball. It looked like Long Qiong wasn't fighting for real but humiliating his opponent before crippling him.

There was nothing Long Lao Er could do as he didn't even lift up a finger to defend himself. Long Lao Er just kept absorbing Qi essence and healing himself, that's why he was able to support this torture.

Unknown to everyone but the Dragon Queen, Long Lao Er was slowly manipulating the external Qi essence around him as he slowly guide Long Qiong from the center of the arena to the outside of it. Similar to drawing connected smaller circles with bigger circles on the outside till the end of the arena. It seemed that Long Lao Er was slowly making Long Qiong spit up his Qi essence to the opposite direction of the external Qi essence flow. This action was generating a vacuum that was slowly being filled back by compressed external Qi essence.

Finally when both Long Lao Er and Qiong were at the edge of the arena and Long Qiong had one hand on Long Lao Er's neck, his other free hand was gathering internal Qi essence he prepared to finally cripple his opponent for good.

"Dragon Claw art!!"

Just as Long Qiong unleashed his art a Qi essence storm was formed in the arena, disrupting his attack. Unknown to everyone, Long Lao Er was connected to this storm, absorbing part of it to heal himself and using the rest of it for his next move.




The Qi essence storm gathered all around Long Lao Er creating a powerful Qi essence armor made up of external Qi essence, and Long Qiong's Qi essence.

Once and for all, Long Qiong unleashed his Dragon Claw art but to everyone's surprise; the art of a cultivator in the top of the Second level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm didn't even made a scratch on the cultivator at the Seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

Shocked and furious by this, Long Qiong unleashed flurries of punches and kicks with all his power, not daring to underestimate his opponent, Long Qiong used his Dragon Claw art with all his power once more but just as before, his attack didn't work at all on Long Lao Er.




Everyone in the audience was surprised. A worried looking Long Qiuniu was observing the fight afraid that his son had been so dumb to not finish his opponent when he had time.

Meanwhile the Dragon King was asking his wife what kind of art did she taught him, but she only answered that, that was something her pupil invented by himself on the spur of the moment.

A calm expression returned back to Long Suanni as her dear seemed to be able to turn the situation around.




Long Lao Er knew that it was time to use his triumph card. He hadn't use it before because his card was hard to control and needed a lot of internal Qi essence. His internal Qi essence wouldn't be enough and he knew that he needed enough time to gather external Qi essence instead, but his opponent wouldn't give him time, so he had to provoke this Qi essence storm and fastly gather all the Qi essence to use his triumph card.

Long Qiong thought that by now the only way to win would be by burning his Qi essence, if not he wouldn't be able to finish Long Lao Er. So Long Qiong burned all his Qi essence, as long as he could kill him, Long Qiong would be satisfied.

"Dragon Claw art!!"

"Lushan Flying Dragon!!"

An enormous Dragon appeared on the arena, unlike the illusory figure of a Dragon that used to appeared when Long Lao Er unleashed his Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art, this figure looked like a real Dragon instead of a Qi essence Dragon.

Long Qiong's instinct told him to fear that Dragon, but his mind told him to protect his pride and fight. So going against his primal instincts, Long Qiong unleashed at full power his Dragon Claw art. But just when everyone thought that both arts would just collide; the Lushan Flying Dragon ate not only the art, but Long Qiong also.

Unlike those Dragons unleashed by the Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art, which had the primal instinct of hitting it's target, the Lushan Flying Dragon was directly connected to Long Lao Er's mind, so it was as if Long Lao Er had become the Lushan Flying Dragon himself.

Being inside the Lushan Flying Dragon, Long Lao Er could control it by will. So Long Lao Er being the Dragon himself, decided to eat his opponent.

Inside the Lushan Flying Dragon Long Qiong was suffering as his insides were being crushed by the Qi essence fangs.

Blood was spraying out of the tatter clothes as his skin and bones were crushed under the front pressure, gifting Long Qiong the greatest pain he had ever experimented and his pain was far from over, because just as his body was experimenting a great pain, his meridians and accupoints were being destroyed while his internal Qi essence was leaking out. In conclusion, Long Qiong was becoming a cripple.

From level 2 he went back to level 1 of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm and from there back to the Qi Condensation Realm Tenth level, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Finally, Long Qiong had become a cripple.




Furious at the scene, Long Qiong's father; Long Qiuniu went down towards his son. Noticing that his son had become a complete cripple a killing intent was emitted from his body towards Long Lao Er, breaking his Lushan Flying Dragon.

"Little bastard, you dared to cripple this overlord's son! You're courting death!"

Long Qiuniu was preparing to kill Long Qiong right in the spot. How did he dare to kill his son. Wasn't Long Lao Er afraid of awakening a Bottom Tenth level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator's fury?

Long Qiuniu extended his arm towards Long Lao Er and circulated his Qi essence, but just before he launched an attack, Long Qiuniu turned around and erected a red shield blocking the Dragon King art.

The Dragon King knew that his brother, Long Qiuniu would try to challenge his authority. Now that both brothers were at the same level, it wouldn't take to long for both brothers to be equally powerful and once that happened, Long Qiuniu would try to challenge him, so this was the perfect moment to teach his little brother a lesson.

"Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art!!" A Dragon like no one else had ever seen appeared. As expected of a top cultivator, the presence and intent of the Dragon was so incredible astonishing that it froze everyone in silence, only the target himself, Long Qiuniu was able to react and barely protect himself and even then Long Qiuniu ended heavely wounded.

With tattered clothes and spitting pools of blood, Long Qiuniu retrieved his son back. He now knew that there was nothing he could do if his brother wanted to kill him.

"Seize him and imprison him for 2 years!" Ordered the Dragon King.

Immediately, the 4 Grand Elders surrounded Long Qiuniu and using an array formation; sealed him.

"Why brother? Please have some mercy with your little brother and your nephew!" Implored Long Qiuniu.

"Bastard!!, you dare to break the rules and kill a junior with all your power. You have no shame!!"

"Take him away!!" Ordered the Dragon King.

Hearing the orders, the 4 Grand Elders took Long Qiuniu and imprisoned him.

"What about his son?" Asked a senior elder.

"Take him to the medical pavilion." Ordered the Dragon King.

"Winner, Long Lao Er!!" Declared Long Li.

Long Lao Er had won contrary to everyone's expectations and now he would have to fight the Dragon Princess in the finals.