Bloody battles Round 2 Part 2

Long Lao Er was trying to save Long Lu, who had been badly hurt by Long Qiong's vicious attack.

In the meantime, Long Pulao jumped towards the arena ready to punish Long Qiong. Long Jing who was the judge tried to stop him, but being 2 realms apart; Long Jing was knocked out of the arena with a flinch from Long Pulao's finger. Just as Long Pulao was about to strike Long Qiong; a powerful presence appeared and returned back his attack to Long Pulao.

It was Long Qiuniu himself. Everyone could see that there was something different with Long Qiuniu presence. It wasn't until the Dragon King said something that people noticed that Long Qiuniu had, had a breakthrough from the top of the ninth level to bottom of the tenth level of the Nascent Soul Realm.

"You dare try to put a finger on my son, don't think that I won't dare to kill you." Said the angry Long Qiuniu.

A complicated expression appeared on Long Pulao, his rival has increased the distance between themselves once more and Long Qiuniu was closer to match the Dragon King's power. It seemed that there was nothing Long Pulao could do to Long Qiuniu.

A grunt was heard from Long Lu, it seemed that he had woken up, forgetting the fight Long Pulao went towards his son. Seeing that his son looked better he asked Long Lao Er.

"What happened?"

"I've sealed Lu's damaged accupoints so there are no more Qi essence leaks, then I feed him Qi essence replenishing pills so he can replenish his lost Qi essence and finally I used an auxiliary array to help him manually circulate his Qi essence that way he'll be able to fix his damaged meridians and accupoints. That way he won't lose too much cultivation."

Answered back Long Lao Er.

"Hahaha!! It seems that me and my kid owns you a big favor. Any thing you want, if it's in my possibilities this old man will pay you back young dragon."




Seeing that everything had calmed down, the hurt Long Jing called the next contestants.

As battles progressed, the Dragon King kept looking towards his brother. He was shocked, how his baby brother was able to jump from the top of the ninth level to the bottom of the tenth level of the Nascent Soul Realm. It took the Dragon King 50 years to breakthrough from the ninth level to the tenth level, but his brother took only 10 years. Was his brother a genius or did his brother got possession of a heavenly defying treasure?

Although if we talked about shocking geniuses, Long Yi was 100 times better. In just 8 years he went from the lastest stages of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm to the earliest stages of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Long Jing announced the next battle. Long ZhangLang who was on the eight level of the Qi Condensation Realm vs Long Meng who was on the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

As they were about to step up into the arena Long ZhangLang got near his opponent and said.

"It's unfortunate what my brother did, but believe me. I am not like him, so let's shake hands and may the best cultivator win." Both participants shacked hands and stepped into the arena.

While following his opponent to the arena, a wantonly smile appeared in Long ZhangLang.

"Fight!!" Said Long Jing.

Both fighters circulated their Qi essence and started fighting. While Long Meng used relaxed Choy Li Fut movements, Long ZhangLang used aggressive and explosive Xingyiquan movements.

At the beginning it seemed that Long Meng had the advantage, but as he kept circulating more Qi essence he started feeling more pain in his meridians.

And it wasn't until he found it was hard to breathe and that it was getting painful to circulate Qi essence, that Long Meng realized that he had fall for Long ZhangLang's trap. He had been poisoned.

Long Meng was angry at the cheating bastard, but there wasn't much he could do as Long ZhangLang didn't use arts but explosive and aggressive punches and kicks to torture his opponent.

An abnormal color appeared on Long Meng. At this point the judge realized that there was something wrong with Long Meng, but there was nothing he could do.

The torture continue but Long Meng wouldn't surrender and Long ZhangLang wouldn't finish the battle, much to the audience horror.

Seeing that his father was telling him that it was time to finish this fight, Long ZhangLang used his Dragon Claw art to take out the half dead Long Meng out of the arena.

Long Jing declared Long ZhangLang as the winner and then went to help the badly hurt Long Meng.




Battles continued




Outside of the arena the evil Long ZhangLang and Qiong were trying to buy out Long Lao Er's next opponent, Long Bian who was Long Lu's younger brother at the eight level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

But knowing how cheaters and bastards they were he wouldn't accept. Even if Long ZhangLang and Qiong weren't evil, Long Bian wouldn't help them.

Long Bian was a man of honor who loved justice and righteousness, so he'll never cooperate with the agents of evil, but that didn't meat that he wouldn't try his best to beat Long Lao Er.

The battle started, Long Lao Er who was on the seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm vs Long Bian who was on the eight level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

Both participants circulated to their Qi essence and jumped towards each other.

Long Bian circulated all his Qi essence into his right fist and punched Long Lao Er. Unfortunately for him, Long Lao Er vanished as multiple illusory figures appeared and started attacking.

The moment Long Lao Er connected a punch, Long Bian's figure was barely able to avoid the attack.

Long Bian was cultivating the Dragon Lightning Scripture, so he had an art that allowed him to almost match Long Lao Er's array boots. So their speed were almost equal.

Unknown to Long Lao Er, Long Bian's had just been stalling, waiting to gather as much Qi essence as possible, therefore he hadn't used his top speed. Long Bian knew that if he used his top speed, he would be able to be faster than Long Lao Er.

The problem was that he lacked the power needed to take out Long Lao Er, so he was stalling waiting to gather enough Qi essence to unleash his triumph card.

"Seven Lightnings Dragons Fury Art!" Long Bian unleashed his triumph card.

The heavens got dark and clouds gathered. Dragons made out of lighting furiously roar at Long Lao Er

"Brother Lao Er, I admire your courage and character not just to win but to also help other people.

So I would hate if you get badly hurt because of me, so please I implore you to yield." Said Long Bian, but Long Lao Er smiled and answered.

"I appreciate brother Bian's advise, but who told you that your art is even going to hit me." Responded back Long Lao Er.

"As you prefer." Answered Long Bian as he commanded the seven Lightnings Dragons to fastly attack Long Lao Er.

To his surprise, this Lighting Dragons failed to connect as they kept hitting the illusory figures only.

Once Long Bian's attack was over, Long Lao Er appeared in front of him and with a punch using all his strength and Qi essence gathered in his fist; he knocked out Long Bian.

"Winner, Long Lao Er!" Declared Long Jing.

With that the remaining 8 participants turned into 4 and so the semifinals would continue the next day.