
Want to become a cultivator?

Then read the next information copied from the Dragon Tribe cultivation scrolls.


Principales of cultivation:


The origin and source of all things. it is the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of Yin and Yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order.

Five Elements:

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, & Water. The fundamental elements which compose everything in the universe. They have a detailed cyclic relationship, and each of them have several symbolic meanings.

Yin & Yang:

The duality present in all aspects of the universe. For instance: Yin is Female / Soft / Death / Dark / the Moon, while Yang is Male / Hard / Life / Light / the Sun – the comparisons are endless. Yin & Yang describe how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they mutually give rise to each other.




Qi Essence:

The vital energy which exists in all things. Humans, beasts and devils are born with it and once they start cultivating; they can open accupoints in order to start absorbing the Qi Essence from the nature in order to increase their cultivation.

Internal Qi Essence:

The Qi essence living things are borned with. When the living things absorb Qi Essence from the nature and refine it, then that External Qi Essence becomes Internal Qi Essence.

The cultivated Qi essence within a martial artist's body can be for, a martial artist can accomplish superhuman feats of speed, agility, strength, endurance, etc… It can even be used to heal wounds and nullify poisons.

External Qi:

The Qi Essence present in the nature. It cannot be controlled unless the cultivator refines it but there are rumors that says that External Qi Essence can actually be controlled.

Qi Circulation:

The act of controlling Qi to flow from the dantian, through the meridians, and back into the dantian or into a core in a cycle. The purpose of this is to help replenish stamina, refine the Qi Essence, strengthen the meridians and the body.

Qi Refinement:

Purification of the Qi essence, so the cultivator can use it.

Crystalized Qi:

When External Qi essence is combined with Internal Qi essence, both Qi essence takes the shape of Crystals which can hinder the Qi absorption and circulation. This state is kept for sometime until the External Qi essence gets circulated into the Dantian to be refined.

Qi Deviation:

A state wherein the cultivation base becomes dangerously unstable, causing internal damage to the body and symptoms of psychosis. People who succumb to their Internal Demons, who practice cultivation/martial arts incorrectly, or who rashly use forbidden arts are all at risk of falling into this state.





The process of improving health, increasing longevity, and growing powerful. This is accomplished by Qi essence and training in martial & mystical arts. The ultimate goal of cultivation is to become an Immortal.

Cultivation Base:

The amount or capacity of refined Qi possessed by a cultivator.

Cultivation Method:

A mystical art or collection of techniques which cultivators practice in order to cultivate.


A book containing detailed instructions on training in a cultivation method or martial arts style. Usually regarded as extremely valuable and thus kept secret (or at least, not made publicly available).

Cultivation Realms:

Qi Condensation Realm.

Qi Foundation Establishment Realm.

Core Formation Realm.

Nascent Soul Realm.

Soul Formation Realm.

- Immortal Thresh hold - Half Step into the Immortal Realm.

Human Immortal.

Ghost Immortal.

Earth Immortal Realm.

Spirit Immortal.

Celestial Immortal.

Heavenly Tribulation:

Because immortal cultivation (generally) goes against the Will of Heaven, the Heavens will send down tribulations to oppress high-level cultivators who make progress towards Immortality, often right when they enter a new cultivation stage. This typically takes the form of a lightning storm, with extraordinarily powerful bolts of lightning raining down from the Heavens to strike at the cultivator.





The network of vessels/channels in the body through which Qi flows.


There are several hundred of them on the body, mostly located along the meridians. Knowledge of accupoints can be used in healing or in combat by deliberately striking them to achieve certain effects.

It has been recorded that poison can be injected which depending on the poison it can damage the meridians in the best case scenario till killing. The regular human cultivator has up to 128 point while a Dragon cultivator can have up to 1024 points which is the maximum number of points recorded so far.


Magical Beasts posses within their bodies cores which contains their essence and/or cultivation base. Cultivators highly prize them. The Cores are generally either consumed by cultivators (to grow stronger) or used in the production of magical items.


Refers to the region in the body where a person's Qi essence is concentrated.

Spiritual Sense:

An ability possessed by cultivators to scan their surroundings (far beyond the limits of their ordinary 5 senses) with their spirit. The distance/total area they can scan corresponds to the strength of their spirit. 

Blood Essence:

It's basically "lifeblood" or "life force". Powerful techniques sometimes require cultivators to expend their Essence, shortening their lifespan as a result.





A person who trains in martial & mystical arts, generally in order to become powerful and increase their longevity. Meditation and the cultivation of Qi essence are common practices among cultivators.

Rogue Cultivator:

Independent cultivators unaffiliated with any sect, clan, or other martial organizations.

Devil Cultivator:

Wicked cultivators who emulate Devils and seek power by any means necessary. They are often said to follow the Devil Path / Devil Dao, in opposition to the orthodox Immortal Cultivators.





Successfully bypass the bottleneck.


The term for when cultivators figuratively hit a wall in their training and it suddenly becomes incredibly difficult to proceed. When they reach a bottleneck, cultivators may require new Insights, the aid of medicinal pills, or even harsher training in order to make a Breakthrough and successfully bypass the bottleneck.


A practice for training or calming the mind and spirit. Cultivators spend a great deal of time in meditation, as both the cultivation of Qi essence and contemplation of Insights generally require it.

Closed Doors Training:

Also called Closed Door Meditation or Closed Door Cultivation. Training done in seclusion, usually to focus on breaking through a bottleneck or to avoid becoming distracted at a crucial moment and suffering a backlash as a result.


Cultivators usually gain insights by meditating, engaging in life-or-death battles, or going out into the world to experience new things. These insights are often needed in order to master techniques or advance to higher stages of cultivation.

Killing Intent:

A murderous aura which emits from a person when they desire to harm someone. People who have experienced bloody battles and/or have already killed others tend to have much stronger Killing Intent than an ordinary person. Experts may be able to disguise their Killing Intent, as well as intentionally release it as a form of mental attack.

Sword Intent:

Somewhat similar to Killing Intent. A dangerous aura emitted from a sword or master swordsman which causes others to feel as if they're about to be cut by a sword.




Magical Beasts:

Animals capable of cultivation. They tend to be much more intelligent than mundane animals, and some are capable of speaking in human languages. Those which have reached a high stage of cultivation may even be able to take on a human form.

Demonic Beasts:

Born when an animal, plant, or even an inanimate object absorbs spiritual energy over a long period of time and then gains spiritual awareness. Not inherently evil, although many have antagonistic relationships with humans.


Evil spirits/creatures of remarkable power and cruelty.





An organization dedicated to the practice of cultivation and/or martial arts. Typically led by a Sect Leader. With the help of Sect Elders, they instruct Disciples in the proper methods of cultivation or training in the martial arts styles of the Sect. The Disciples live in the Sect, which provides for their daily needs. There is practically always a strict hierarchy amongst members of a Sect, and respect for the elder generations is demanded.


An extended family related by blood, sharing a surname. They often pass down heirlooms from generation to generation along with secret cultivation methods & martial arts styles which were developed by the clan's ancestors. They tend to guard these jealously from outsiders