Auction House Part 2

The auction house was cramped and every guest was wearing a mask to cover their identities and avoid being robbed after the biddings.

A young man who seemed to be at the Eight level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm entered the auction house, surrounded by a small group of elders who seemed to be at the early stages of the Core Formation Realm.

"Look isn't that the young master Long Qingyu." Said one person.

"Who's that guy?" Asked another person.

"Don't you know?, He's the eldest son from the sect master of the Evil Dragon Sect." Replied the first person

"Really? You mean the only Dragon Sect that exists in this entire Dragon Realm?"

"Yes, but what's he doing here in this forgotten town?"

Proud of his disturbance due to his entry Long Qingyu showed up his wealth by loudly declaring that he would end up buying every item from the auction.

"Please young master, you promised your father the patriarch to keep a low profile." Said one of the elders accompanying him.

"You're kidding right. How am I supposed to have fun if I keep a low profile. I want to meet some babes and have fun before entering that stinky shrine." Declared Long Qingyu.

"Master don't even joke about the Heavenly Dragon Shrine. Please have some respect after all even your father wouldn't dare to offend the strongest force in this entire realm." Said the elder at his young master.

"Fine, I won't berate more about that place. But in exchange you must let me have some fun."

"Understood master." Answered back the elder towards his young master request.




The sensual Huo Fenghuang with her red cheongsam made her grant entrance as every single male silently watched her enter and enjoy her curvy bottom sway left and right everytime she took a step.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Huo Fenghuang and I'll be your host for tonight's auction."

"Look it's the beautiful lady Huo Fenghuang!!" Said one man.

"I'm blessed to have seen her, even if I don't end up buying something." Said another man.

Surprised by her appearance many people started praising her beauty.

Proud of the compliments, Huo Fenghuang sensually smiled towards the audience and said.

"Ladies and gentlemen let's start the bidding with the first item...."




Item after item, they all had been bought by the proud Long Qingyu as he tried to show up his wealth.

Many people were angry but didn't said anything as they all knew that it wasn't smart to get on his bad side or else; they would suffer the consequences.

"The next item is a special dharma treasure that allows us to determine where is the north, thus it allow us to better navigate. It's name is Array Compass." Said Huo Fenghuang to the audience.

"That looks like a very useful item." Said one person from the audience.

"I must have it."Said Long Qingyu.

"The initial price is 1000 spirit stones." Announced Huo Fenghuang.

"1000!" Said an old man in the audience.

"1100" Said a young man in the audience.

"1500" Said Long Qingyu.


The price for the Array Compass kept increasing and even some people from the audience didn't give face to Long Qingyu daring to outbid him.

"10,000!!" Angrily said Long Qingyu.

"10,000 goes at 3, 10,000 goes at 2, 10,000 goes at 1. Sold to the gentleman with number 11!!" Happily said Huo Fenghuang.

"Next item is another darhma treasure that allows you to scan a cultivator's level and his position no matter whether he's stronger or if he's using an array or pill to hide his cultivation level. Initial price is 1000 spirit stones. Announced Huo Fenghuang."


Just like it had previously happened, the fight for this item was between Long Qingyu and another cultivator. A young man with a thin frame, short black hair with the number 22. Unfortunately for Long Qingyu, he had already spent too much money so the person with the number 22 outbid him, paying 10,000 spirit stones.




Like that, Long Lao Er after subtracting the fee; was left with 12,000 spirit stones for both treasures plus an extra of 500 spirit stones from selling 4 of the 5 old treasures he stole from the assassin's brothers. Incidentally those weapons had been bought by the auctioneer with number 22.

"Our next item on the list is a manual with an art for the Meteor Hammer art, it's the Azure Dragon Meteor Fists art." For the first time since the auction began; Long Lao Er found something he was interested in.

"The price is 500 spirit stones." Said Huo Fenghuang.

"500." Said one person.

"600. Said another person.

"1000." Said Long Qingyu.

"1500." Said Long Lao Er.

Seeing how someone was trying to outbid him again the angry Long Qingyu increased the price but having spend so much money; Long Lao Er managed to outbid him at the price of 5000 spirit stones.

"Sold to the gentleman with the number 34." Happily said Huo Fenghuang.

Long Qingyu was mad at Long Lao Er since he had outbid him, unfortunately for Long Qingyu, the elders that accompanied him wouldn't let him cause too much trouble. As the son of the sect master of the Evil Dragon Sect, so Long Qingyu had to maintain a low profile and avoid trouble. After all he was one of the 4 candidates to become a Dragon Warrior at the Heavenly Dragon Shrine.