A paper weight on my desk has the inscription, "Don't wait for your ship to come in.
Swim out to it!" As we practice Kingdom Nomics, we aggressively look for ways to
converterlate our talents for the advancement
of the kingdom of God. People often make the
mistake of waiting for their ship to come in,
hoping for something to come their way.
Waiting and wishing with good intentions
will not accomplish any worthwhile objective. If it feels like not much is happening in
your life, perhaps the Lord is saying, "Stop waiting for your ship; start swimming!"
We need to be alert to areas in which the Holy Spirit is moving us and blessing the efforts
we are making on his behalf. Then we have to "swim" out to those places and join the
forward movement with the rest of the team.
Someone once said it is a lot easier to steer a moving car than one that is standing still. As
we participate in worthwhile kingdom efforts, we can more easily see how the Lord is
guiding us to the places where we can be the most productive.Right about now, you may be thinking: How do I know how, when, where, and what to
do in order to do my part in what is such a huge undertaking? This, in some ways, was
the attitude of the disciples when it came to the feeding of the five thousand, "Here is a
boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among somany?" (John 6:9). We do not know much about the little boy; but we do see that he was
the right boy in the right place on that day, and he was willing to offer whatever he had to
Jesus. The disciples, on the other hand, were bewildered and didn't know where or how
to start.
In some ways the loaves and fish were the boy's "treasure." But I think as we consider
the use of our talents, the loaves and fish also represent all that we have to give in service
to our King. Fortunately for the young lad, he was willing to release what he had in his
hands to the Lord for the use of kingdom purposes at that time. God is in the business of
taking what is seemingly small and insignificant, and exponentially multiplying whatever
it is to accomplish his purposes. We do not hear of this boy again in Scripture, but his gift
to God and the blessing of it has been read by millions of people. He used what he had
where he was and God used it in a powerful way. Ephesians 3:20 tells us, "Now to him
who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power
that is at work within us." God's power is at work within each one of us. It doesn't matter
what talent we do or do not have, God's power will work in us to accomplish more than
we can imagine.
As I was studying this passage of Scripture, I considered my own life. What had God
given to me? Well, he had blessed me
financially. And that financial blessing
was the result of fortunate business and
investment transactions over the years. I
realized that my business sense could be
used for the advancement of God's
kingdom if I would be willing to
converterlate those abilities for the use
of kingdom endeavors. So I decided to
convert both my time and my talent into
an investment in the imperishable
values of the kingdom. My desire to do that now trumps the desire to use my material
resources on the perishable items of this world. Sometimes I call myself a "financial
farmer" who grows money with a mission. I love doing it, and it is thrilling to use my
talent in this way. I always remember, God is the one who has shown me and taught me,
and he is the source of any increase that comes my way. I always acknowledge that, and I
humbly express my gratitude to him for it.
God has opened doors of opportunity to share what I have learned and experienced on a
scale I never thought would be possible. Along the way,
he has brought a number of individuals across my path
who have unique talents and skills in the use of today's
communication technologies not even in existence a few
years ago. These people have enabled me, a person with no name, and no platform, and
with very little experience, to develop a worldwide ministry designed to share these
wonderful secrets of the kingdom with tens of thousands of people. I have also
encountered people who have no platform from a secular standpoint, and who have
access to only limited resources, and yet they are using their talents with technology to
reach millions of people with the message of Christ. Whatever we have, God can take it
and exponentially multiply it for the expansion of his kingdom and glory.
It is important for us to understand that each one of us has a sphere of influence. We all
have people we interact with on a regular basis. God has not just given us abilities; he has
also placed each one of us into a specific setting with the opportunity to influence people
for his eternal purposes. We all have places that we go where God can use us. We need to
depend on the Holy Spirit to show us how and where our talents and abilities can not only
be a blessing to others, but can make a difference for eternity.
Do not belittle whatever God has given to you. He is in the business of generating much
out of little or nothing. Remember, the lad brought little to the "field of play," but he left
with a lot more than he brought to the game.
As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
—1 Peter 4:10, NAS
A person's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone
understand their own way?
—Proverbs 20:24
I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what
lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly
prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
—Philippians 3:13–14, NLT
All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord
has commanded."
—Exodus 35:10
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of
many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces
perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature
and complete, not lacking anything."
—James 1:2–4