You Can Have Whatever You Want

Gu Bailu couldn't feel any worse. "Ah Luo, somebody burned me alive! My legs were reduced to ash!"

Ah Luo patted her back. "My lady, you're still alive. Your legs are fine, too. Did you have a bad dream?"

Gu Bailu looked at her, then checked her legs. They were indeed intact.

Relieved, she patted her chest. "It really was a dream. What a horrible one."

Although it was a dream, Gu Bailu was still uneasy. She knew that every dream happened for a reason.

Some dreams were omens, too.

Was that going to be her fate?

No! No! No! It couldn't be.

The man who had launched the purple sword at her obviously brought her pain. She had never been in love, but she knew that she had met a terrible man in her dream.

How could she meet a terrible man? She never intended to fall in love with anyone.

"My lady, dreams are fun." Ah Luo wiped her tears for her. "I had dragon meat in my dream. It was delicious."