She's With Me

Gu Bailu quickly returned to Ah Luo and drew a barrier on the ground.

The disciples of the Murong family came at them, only to be blocked by an invisible wall.

Gu Bailu chuckled at them. She had already seized the moment to catch her breath, and she wouldn't be caught again.

She could have escaped in one piece even without the level-up.

Now that she had reached a new level, more skills were available to her, and power surged out of her body nonstop, allowing her to use many tricks that she couldn't use before.

"Xin'er, are you alright?" somebody gasped. Gu Bailu saw Murong Huangtang take Nan Ningxin from another man.

The man was tall and wore a loose pink robe.

She knew the man.

Nobody wore such eccentric clothes except Shao Di, who had set her up.

Why was he here?

The grandmother of the Murong family was indeed influential. Both Shao Zun and Shao Di had come for her birthday celebration.