Are You Not the Master of the Night Lotus?

After too many reincarnations, he couldn't remember much of his past now, and his power had dwindled.

However, Gu Bailu was able to attack it. Although the Night Lotus had resisted, it certainly hadn't been trying its best, or Gu Bailu wouldn't have survived.

Who exactly was Gu Bailu? Where should he start investigating?

"My lord, Miss Nan is awake. She wants to see you." Qin Shou's voice rang out outside.

Feng Qingtian thought for a moment before he opened the door.

Nan Ningxin was ecstatic when she found herself in Prince Zi's house. Could she finally approach Prince Zi now?

It had been the right decision to guide him with the Night Lotus.

Hearing footsteps, Nan Ningxin hurriedly combed her hair and pulled at her clothes so that they revealed some cleavage.

This was precisely the erotic image that Feng Qingtian saw when he came in.