I Feel Sorry For the Spirit Turning Pill

She slept quietly, and had stopped struggling.

She looked so quiet and weak that he just wanted to stare at her forever.

After so many reincarnations, he had lost most of the memories from his first life; what remained was his purpose.

He had been reincarnated so many times for a single person, who had been punished by the fires of hell for him.

He touched Gu Bailu's face. She had mentioned the magma of hell twice.

He might've heard it wrong the first time, but he couldn't be wrong this time.

"Who are you?"

He would've suspected that Gu Bailu was the person he had been looking for, if she had the Night Lotus.

Otherwise, his affection for her was inexplicable.

Before, he thought that he had become unfaithful because he had contracted the bad habits of human beings.

But why did he have an affair with Gu Bailu, of all people?

Gu Bailu was the most unremarkable person on the entire continent.