Gu Bailu Is Gone

Feng Qingtian leaned toward her neck and tried to bite it, and Gu Bailu simply kicked his crotch.

Feng Qingtian stiffened for a moment, but didn't stop.

Gu Bailu kicked him again.

It would be best if Nan Ningxin couldn't enjoy it for the rest of her life.

A giant hand grabbed her ankle and took off her shoe.

Feeling the warmth, Gu Bailu realized that her foot was cold.

Feng Qingtian released her and looked at her foot. "Why is it so cold?"

Gu Bailu noticed that a certain part below his belly button was rising.

She kicked really hard. Why didn't it break?

This wasn't a fair deal.

"I'm asking you why it's so cold!" Feng Qingtian's hand was huge enough to engulf her foot.

Not liking the feeling, Gu Bailu pulled her foot out of his grip. "It's cold because I was in the storm. Let go of me."

Outside, Miyasi was worried. His master had taught him not to be reckless.