You Can't Bear Prince Zi's Fury

Why were they going to die?

They had never wronged Prince Zi.

The head of the Wang family and his wife soon arrived. They were confused to see Prince Zi at first, but their faces changed when they saw the woman in his arms.

"Prince Zi, what brings you here?" Wang Xuanfeng, the head of the family, asked cautiously.

"Who gave you the courage to marry my woman?" Feng Qingtian said casually, but his words were most shocking.

My woman…

The wife that the Wang family just obtained was Prince Zi's woman.

They knew that she could approach Prince Zi, but Prince Zi had never stated in public that she was his woman.

Nobody knew whether or not they had slept with each other.

Didn't Prince Zi like Miss Nan Ningxin from the Murong family?

What exactly was this about?

Wang Xuanfeng glared at his concubine gloomily. "Look at what you did. Are you trying to get all of us killed?"