You Called Her Name Wrong

"I… I feel terrible. Cough, cough." Gu Bailu coughed hard after being suffocated.

Feng Qingtian loosened his grip and patted her back gently. "You choked on that?"

She was too useless for another man.

However, she had the courage to challenge him. He really wanted to dig her heart out and see what it was made of.

Gu Bailu rolled her eyes. How could one not choke when one's mouth and lips were all occupied?

Gu Bailu was also angry. She sulked in his arms.

It wasn't like she could escape.

"Prince Zi, Miss Gu, this is our restaurant's most famous specialty, the wine duck. We sell three thousand of them every year."

The manager delivered the food with a smile.

Gu Bailu swallowed. She was truly hungry.

"It's wrong," Feng Qingtian said coldly.

The manager was stunned. What was wrong?

The name, or the sales?