Am I One Step Too Late?

She couldn't tell Gu Yunjing that she was sleeping with Feng Qingtian as part of an agreement…

Besides, it didn't change the root of the issue; nobody wanted their love to have sex with another man.

Gu Yunjing's heart was dealt a severe blow.

Were the things he did not enough? Feng Qingtian had still gotten her first.

Feng Qingtian dragged Gu Bailu out. He didn't like how affectionately Gu Yunjing looked at her.

Gu Yunjing's claim that he appreciated Gu Bailu's talents definitely weren't true.

Feng Qingtian had lost most of his memories after his multiple reincarnations, but he remembered Gu Yunjing.

It wasn't because he knew the guy at the beginning, but because he ran into the guy in every life of his.

He knew Gu Yunjing to be someone unusual. They must've known each other before. The man had even found Nan Ningxin earlier than he did.