So You Love Me?

"You're making me throw up again." Gu Bailu tried to push him away.

Feng Qingtian's face darkened. "It's all your own fault. Just lift the curse."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gu Bailu ignored him.

His attitude changed faster than the weather.

If he really touched her, she would definitely throw up on him.

"You cursed me." Feng Qingtian kissed her. "Be a good girl and lift the curse."

Gu Bailu was surprised. How did he know about the curse?

He wanted her to lift the curse so that he could sleep with Nan Ningxin, when Gu Bailu was in his arms?

What a horrible man!

"What curse? I don't know what you're talking about." Gu Bailu appeared confused.

Feng Qingtian touched her face. "Don't deny it. I know everything."

"Hehe. You'll still be the same without the curse. You couldn't have lost your virginity without me."