Eat Sh*t

Bai Zhaozhao was stunned as her face swelled up. She burst into tears and cried, "You're bullying the sister of someone who contributed to this country! Nobody will serve Prince Zi again after this!"

She cried loudly and pitifully.

Ye Ying lowered her head and didn't say anything.

The Ye guards were utterly emotionless.

Some of the maids who passed by the yard hurriedly told the butler what was going on.

The butler, knowing that his lord's reputation would be ruined if General Bai's sister was beaten up like this, hurriedly went to inform Prince Zi.

Prince Zi soon emerged. He glanced at the anxious butler and asked coldly, "Is the princess beating someone up?"

"Yes, my lord. You better talk some sense into her. That's General Bai's sister, after all."

Didn't the lord bring her back to take good care of her? What would people think if the princess beat her up?

"I should check it out myself."