The White Lotus's Decision

"This incident concerns my husband's reputation, so we have to uncover the truth. Why don't we go to the Murong family house together with Miss Nan so that you can be eyewitnesses to the investigation?"

"Al- alright."

The ladies and misses were certainly delighted to be able to witness the outcome of this drama.

Also, not everybody could go to the Murong family's house, but they could at Princess Zi's invitation.

Nan Ningxin flushed with fury, but she couldn't refuse them.

So, she had to let the women follow her to the Murong family house.

Receiving the report, Lady Murong came in a hurry and sat down in the hall. "Prince Zi is really an impetuous man. How did this happen?"

Nan Ningxin lowered her head, as if she had just been raped. "I really don't know. I fainted."