Prince Zi Is Not the Bridegroom

"What did you say? The bridegroom is Prince Zi? Why did I hear that it's someone else?" asked one of the guests, who had just returned from the toilet.

"Stop kidding. This is Prince Zi's house. Prince Zi and Princess Zi were both here when the bride performed the ritual. Yet, you're saying that the bridegroom isn't Prince Zi? Are you drunk?"

"I found it odd, too. Just now, I saw Prince Zi's servants congratulating a man in a red robe on the marriage. He didn't look like Prince Zi at all."

"You must've heard wrong. How could it be anyone else?"

"I'm positive that I heard right. I stopped for a moment to make sure. The man said that he was slightly nervous because this was the first time he was getting married after a hundred years."

"Stop talking such nonsense, or you might never talk again when Prince Zi hears this."