Here's When Her Family’s Skills Come In Handy

Gu Bailu flashed to Gu Zongxiong's study with a teleportation rune, knowing that the deed was hidden behind a painting.

Gu Bailu soon found the deed, as well as other deeds to a bunch of stores.

More than half the stores had been sold, and Gu Zongxiong and Ye Yunshu had claimed the money.

There was also a will that stunned Gu Bailu.

Was this her mother's handwriting?

It was beautiful but unsteady, as if it had been written when she was very sick.

According to the will, ownership of the house would go to Gu Zongxiong if Gu Bailu was properly married off to a good husband.

Gu Bailu shed tears with the will in her hand. She had never felt the warmth of her mother, who tried to protect her even though she was sick.

She probably set up the will because she knew that her daughter might get hurt, and she wanted to use the possessions in the house to ensure her daughter's safety.