I Won't Get Married Until You Do

He would give her all the managers from his family if she wanted them.

"I don't have so many stores, and I don't need all the managers. You're the head of your family now, right?"

Wang Dachong was the last person in the Wang family who had a right to the position.

So, after he recovered, he naturally became the head.

"Yes. You… You can talk to me if you need anything…" Wang Dachong stammered and blushed as Gu Bailu approached him.

"Okay, I'll go to you if I need help. Don't be like this. Just treat me as a friend, okay?"

Wang Dachong nodded hard. "Good… Good friend."

Gu Bailu burst into laughter. "You've had women before. Why are you still so innocent? You should marry. You need a woman to help you run the Wang family."

"I don't need to get married." Wang Dachong suddenly grew solemn.

He didn't look as carefree as just a moment ago.

"Well… don't worry, most women don't carry that sort of disease."