Why Did They Run When They Saw Me?

Was she back to cause trouble now that she had someone to back her up?

"Princess Zi… Why are you here?" Though his master was hiding, Ye Huai had to deal with her as his master's guard.

There was no telling where Qin Shou had gone, either.

Why was everybody in Prince Zi's house a coward?

"Get Feng Qingtian for me." Gu Bailu felt that she needed to make things clear with Feng Qingtian, who didn't seem to consider the divorce notice she gave him a big deal.

Ye Huai looked at Ye Ying and asked, "Where is Prince Zi?"

"He's resting with the princess in the room." Ye Ying lowered her head, not daring to look at Gu Bailu.

She had served Gu Bailu as her true master at the beginning, and still thought of her as such.

However, that woman stood on the opposite side now.

"Princess Zi, why don't you wait in the drawing room for a moment? It may be inconvenient for the lord to meet guests right now…"