Anxiety Attack

"Nobody saw the princess and Ah Luo the whole of yesterday. We thought they were training in seclusion. But today, Ah Luo still didn't come out for food. The secret soldiers sensed something wrong and infiltrated the princess's room, only to find the princess gone. She took all her clothes with her and left a letter."

Qin Shou glanced at Feng Qingtian uneasily as he spoke.

Even he had almost collapsed when he heard the news. He could only imagine how his lord felt.

His lord had been thinking and doing everything for her, but she had disappeared and only left a letter behind without a care for his lord at all.

It was akin to stabbing his lord and killing him inside.

Feng Qingtian radiated coldness all over, and Qin Shou was too scared to move. His heart pounded as he waited for his lord to digest the news.

Clenching his fists, there was a stab of pain in Feng Qingtian's chest, and he fell to the floor.