I May Have Lost Her For Good

He asked, "Where did she go? Did she tell you anything?"

"I don't know anything. If you want to know, you can ask Miss Bu. My lady asked her to manage the house in her absence." The butler didn't dare piss off Bai Yunyi.

Bu Yaolian was invited over by the butler, but she was just as clueless. "She said that she was going out for fun, and she would come back after she had enjoyed herself. She wanted me to watch her house for her."

Bai Yunyi confirmed that Gu Bailu had really left, without even a word to him.

She had clearly had a good impression of him in the past two days. They had talked and laughed together, and he had even been invited inside to eat twice.

So why had she left without letting him know?

Bai Yunyi sat despondently in his chair. Where could she have gone?

Had he scared her with his stories? Did she flee in a hurry because she was afraid that Prince Zi would use her baby?

But why would she be scared?
