Entering the Su Mansion

Even as a woman, Gu Bailu was charmed by Qian'er; it wasn't hard to imagine how a man would feel.

Qian'er would've probably been cherished for life if she had run into another man.

Too bad the man she met was the savage and coldblooded Lu Fenying, who could even kill his own mother, and who had given his heart to Su Muwei.

Thus, Qian'er was doomed to misery despite her pretty face.

Gu Bailu really hoped that Qian'er could be rid of Lu Fenying and live her own life.

"One always has a home. Let's go to the Su mansion," Gu Bailu said to her. "Point the way for Ah Luo."

Qian'er was confused. "Why are we going to the Su mansion?"

"Lu Fenying is a paranoid man. If we claim that we can cure Su Muwei, he definitely won't meet us. Besides, didn't you say that the crown prince's house is heavily guarded? Chances are they won't even receive us. So, we should start with the Su mansion. Her family definitely cares about her too, right?"