Lu Fenying in the Flesh

Lady Su scoffed, "Both your lives combined aren't even worth one strand of hair on Weiwei's head."

"Alright, then." Gu Bailu got up and snatched the pill out of the imperial physician's hand. "Disciple, let's go."

"Wait…" The second son of the Su family stopped her and said to his father, "Father, why don't we have someone try it first? Once we've confirmed that it's not poisonous, we can give it to little sister."

He had heard the rumors on the street. They all said that the Daoist nuns had cured a lot of people.

That was why he was showing Gu Bailu enough respect.

Eager to cure his daughter, the master of the Su family could only grit his teeth and try the medicine.

Thus, Gu Bailu and Qian'er stayed in the Su mansion.

Though they weren't forbidden from leaving their rooms, their yard was surrounded by experts; it was impossible to leave the Su mansion even if they wanted to.