Treat Her Or Not?

Having seen Yin Neng, however, Gu Bailu didn't find her frightening at all.

"Where's the patient?" The old lady raised her head, and with a shock, Gu Bailu realized the woman had no eyeballs in her eye sockets.

Dear god… How horrifying.

Gu Bailu calmed down, took off the Soul Collecting Bracelet, and released Qian'er so that she was lying on the only long bench in the room. "Here's the patient. Please take a look at her."

The old lady snorted. "You have a bracelet that can lock up souls but you can't save a baby?"

Gu Bailu was quite surprised. This old lady didn't have eyes; how did she know how Qian'er had been let out?

Did she have the Heavenly Eye as well?

The old lady came over and touched Qian'er with a hand that was like withered wood. "The baby is dying, but I can save it, as long as you give me this woman's eyes."