Evil Master

Gu Bailu believed that this suspended animation meant that no matter what happened to the body, it would be able to hold on for these twenty hours.

So during these twenty hours, Su Muwei should be like those fake cadavers which students practiced their surgery skills on in medical school!

What she didn't know was if the book was trustworthy.

Gu Bailu opened the box, and a dazzling light filled the room.

This piece of the Sky Splitting Mirror was about the same size as the one which Feng Qingtian had. It had a messy and irregular edge, and had clearly been broken off.

It was transparent and very light.

Gu Bailu felt like she was holding a ball of light in her hand.

Gu Bailu put the Sky Splitting Mirror next to Su Muwei's pillow. Just nice, that dazzling radiance could act as a surgery light.