Never Take Back

Feng Qingtian rubbed her head affectionately. "My Lulu is awesome…"

While praising her, he pulled her to the bathroom to wash her hands. "Have a good rest after dinner. I won't bully you tonight. We'll leave tomorrow morning."

Gu Bailu nodded. "Okay!"

She smiled. Finally, she could leave the crown prince's residence.

At the break of dawn the next day, Feng Qingtian and Gu Bailu had already packed up, and went to say goodbye to Lu Fenying.

Lu Fenying met them in the study.

Su Muwei did wake up two hours later, but her body was still in pain. However, he checked her pulse and confirmed that there was no reverse flow in her body.

"You're leaving so soon? Muwei's wounds haven't healed yet."

He didn't know how Gu Bailu did it, but she cut Muwei up.

The knife had clearly cut her open, but Muwei was still alive.

He didn't know that a person could be stitched back together after being cut open.