Please Save Him

Mo Qian'er didn't expect him to say that. She looked at him curiously, wondering why he said that.

Mr. Xiao continued, "Don't be disheartened. You'll be like her in the future."

Mo Qian'er smiled and lowered her eyes, but she was very happy. Was Mr. Xiao using Princess Zi to comfort her?

Mr. Xiao knew that she was embarrassed. She was timid and shy. He hurriedly said, "Give me your hand. I'll examine you."

Mo Qian'er raised her arm and pulled her sleeve up to reveal a wrist that was fairer than white jade. She bashfully and timidly offered her arm.

Mr. Xiao's fingertips were slightly warm, and Mo Qian'er's heart thumped.

Mr. Xiao's fingers were long and slender, and even more beautiful than a lady's. Mo Qian'er looked at where his fingers touched her wrist, and her heart beat faster and faster.

She somehow had the feeling that Lu Fenying's face wouldn't be good if he saw this.