I Will Never Marry In My Lifetime

Right then, a maid said, "Your Highness, Prince Zi invites you to the main hall. There's an urgent matter."

Lu Fenying asked coldly, "What is it?"

The maid replied, "Lady Murong brought Miss Murong to the house."

Lu Fenying smiled coldly. "She still has the cheek to come?"

Mo Qian'er asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Why was Lady Murong looking for Lu Fenying?

Lu Fenying adjusted the quilt around her. "It's nothing. I'll take a look."

Even though Mo Qian'er was curious, Lu Fenying didn't plan to speak about this matter and definitely wouldn't tell her about it.

After Lu Fenying left, she sent a maid to investigate.

When Lu Fenying arrived, a lot of people were already gathered in the main hall.

Except for Prince and Princess Zi and Murong Qingqing, he hadn't seen the others before.

Lu Fenying sat down in an empty seat with a cold face and didn't say anything.