Humans Should Have Love

Everyone placed an emphasis on strength; the law basically didn't exist. The might of the country existed, but there was no law to protect the weak.

At most, it was just a bunch of strong people suppressing a bunch weaker than them; their word was the law.

You bully me, I bully someone else weaker than me. There was no sympathy or love lost between people.

Looking at the peaceful Rhine City, the situation here was actually worse than in Southern Glory Empire or Heavenly Wind Empire.

Everyone was dressed exquisitely but lacked energy, especially when they didn't lack money; they had no goal to strive for.

Everyone's faces were lifeless, like the walking dead.

Just like today. When Feng Qingtian injured the woman, no one came looking for trouble.

The manager had been able to sort the woman out. In fact, Gu Bailu guessed that the woman's status wasn't low. Otherwise, she wouldn't have dared use that tone with Gu Bailu.