Find a Man to Try It Out

"Okay." Bu Yaolian smiled. I'd be an idiot if I didn't read your letter.

Consort Ning called for a maid. "Go and bring me my wrap dress."

When the dress was brought over and Bu Yaolian took a look, her mouth twitched. How was this a dress? It was loose and translucent, and very clearly see-through; it was no different from a veil.

"Come here. I'll tell you where men are the most sensitive. When you're serving him, you can intentionally or unintentionally touch these places."

Consort Ning had a maid bring over a book of drawings which made Bu Yaolian's face blush and her heart race. Consort Ning very conscientiously pointed out several places to her.

Bu Yaolian felt her cheeks burn.