Deep Malice from Shao Zun

Bu Yaolian walked to the side. "This servant won't eat. I'll serve you the food."

Su Shenfan pulled her onto his lap. "Just eat."

"Shao Zun, I'm watching my figure…"

"Shut up. I'm very satisfied with your figure. I don't like it if you're all bones when I touch you." Su Shenfan stuffed the chopsticks into her hand and gave her a huge chicken drumstick.

Bu Yaolian almost drooled.

A drumstick. A golden, crispy drumstick. She hadn't eaten one in a long time…

Ever since she lost weight, she had been following Gu Bailu's order to control herself, and had already forgotten what drumsticks tasted like.

"You clearly want it." Su Shenfan felt a little helpless. He didn't understand why these women would go to this extent and not eat in order to maintain their figures.

Holding the chopsticks, Bu Yaolian struggled inwardly.