Large Mixer

She returned to where the light was the brightest and moved to the left. The light on the bracelet also dimmed. When she moved to the right, the light on the bracelet became brighter.

She kept moving to the right until she reached a stone. The bracelet was so bright it was blinding.

Gu Bailu said excitedly, "It should be here! Get rid of the stone."

The stone was moved away, but there was nothing underneath. After digging a few meters, they didn't find anything.

"This is it. Dig. We'll definitely dig something up."

After digging the last dozen meters, there was still nothing suspicious.

"That's weird. This is obviously the place with the biggest reaction. It must be down here."

"We can't dig anymore. It's almost dawn. We have to put it back the way it was," said Feng Qingtian.