No Guards

Bu Yaolian finally realized that this was just a prelude. She didn't close her eyes the entire night. When she fainted from exhaustion, Su Shenfan woke her up.

She was so tired and weak that she felt like dying. However, Su Shenfan remained refreshed, and seemed to be getting more energetic.

He had to make up for all the times he hadn't done it in the past twenty years.

The trusted aides standing guard in the hall outside exchanged glances. They had a tacit understanding and didn't speak.

From time to time, the pitiful pleas of a woman could be heard. That voice was so seductive that it made people feel like she was being bullied.

This was also the first time they had heard Shao Zun's panting and growling, as well as the dirty words he was spewing out.

Even if they knew that they should go and take a look at a situation on the other side, they didn't dare remind Shao Zun.

The Rising Clouds Emperor would probably go anyway.