
"Ah…" Bu Yaolian shook her head." No… I can't. I… I'm weak all over…"

Su Shenfan's face turned cold. "Su Lian, weren't you torturing yourself just to steal me from someone else? Why are you pretending now?"

Women were smart and had their little schemes. He found it a little amusing.

But he didn't like it when it went too far.

"I… I didn't…" Bu Yaolian felt a headache coming on.

If even he misunderstood, the three beauties must have misunderstood as well.

"Stop pretending. I'll satisfy you today." Su Shenfan pinched her chin and lowered his head to cover her lips.

Bu Yaolian couldn't resist even if she wanted to.

Su Shenfan quickly carried her out of the bath and wrapped the two of them in towels. He went to the bed and cleaned her up before putting her on the bed.

In the end, he remembered that she wasn't well, and didn't dare mess around in the bath.