Was His Face Black the Whole Time?

Although Bu Yaolian had been tortured the whole night and had done it in all kinds of positions, she still opened her eyes at dawn.

She wanted to see Gu Bailu…

"What are you doing so early?" Su Shenfan opened his eyes and looked at the sky. The sun had just risen, and he hadn't slept for more than two hours.

"I'm going to go look for Princess Zi and settle Shao Zun's matter as soon as possible."

Bu Yaolian didn't think it was early at all.

Su Shenfan pressed her down again. "Sleep, what's the rush?"

It was already noon when Bu Yaolian dragged her sore body out to find Gu Bailu.

More people had come to the palace in the past two days, and the harem was pretty much full to bursting.

The palace wasn't meant for guests, but the guests didn't leave, and expressed their intent to stay here.