Your New Year Money

Bu Yaolian sighed in front of the mirror. "If only I were really this beautiful. I wonder when I'll be able to slim down."

"What are you mumbling about?" A man's low and hoarse voice came from behind her.

Bu Yaolian turned around and saw Su Shenfan holding her stack of banknotes, his handsome face confused.

"I'm praising myself for being beautiful." She jumped in front of him happily and looked into the mirror. "Yes, I match Shao Zun. Hahaha…"

"Stupid." Su Shenfan pushed her away in disdain.

He sat down, yawned, and threw the banknotes on the table. "What the hell is this?"

"It's your New Year money. Isn't it almost the New Year? I'm very rich." Bu Yaolian rested her chin on her hands and looked at him.

Su Shenfan snorted and casually flipped through the banknotes. "Is this all you have? It's not even enough to fill a corner of my underground vault."