
She hurriedly stretched out her hands and caught a few of them in the air. They were about the size of lotus seeds, and she held them tightly.

She saw that there were palace servants covering the plants in the yard with cloth, and hurriedly said, "Hey, stop working and go inside. Aren't you afraid of being crushed to death by a huge chunk?"

Su Shenfan chuckled behind her. "You have time to care about other people."

Bu Yaolian turned around and jumped into his arms. "Shao Zun… You're here. I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"Let go! Your hands are freezing!" Su Shenfan's face turned dark when she put her cold hands on his waist.

This woman was simply here to torture him.

Only then did Bu Yaolian remember the hail in her hands. She hurriedly let go and threw the pieces out the window. She wiped her hands on her waist and said, "They're not cold anymore."