Less than Five Kilos

She had only told him the biggest lie, which made her uneasy.

Telling him this one lie was more than enough.

"You do know what you're like." Su Shenfan lifted her up and frowned. "Did you put on weight again? Why does it feel like you're heavier?"

Bu Yaolian said guiltily, "I already said that it's especially easy for me to put on weight."

Su Shenfan rubbed her belly, which felt round. "Why didn't I feel this last night?"

She had gained so much weight in one day?

Bu Yaolian had just eaten the 9,999 Spring Harbingers today, and had made herself a little plumper. Now, her face was a little rounder.

"That's all you care about. Do you care if I'm fat or not?"

Su Shenfan raised her face and looked at it. Sure enough, she had gained weight again. He touched it. "It feels pretty good."