The Strongest Accomplice

"Your Majesty, we didn't find anyone."

Xiao Jingyun scowled. "Can they disappear into thin air? Tighten security. Check everywhere outside as well immediately."

However, after a round of investigation, there was indeed no one.

"Your Majesty, could they be invisible?" an imperial guard asked.

"How can they be invisible without spiritual power?" Xiao Jingyun felt that it was impossible. Spiritual power was lost here, even for him and the Archfiend.

Everybody here was on the same level.

"They have that witch Gu Bailu." The Archfiend's weird voice rang out.

Xiao Jingyun said in surprise, "What about her? She also relies on spiritual power."

"Heh, she created her own damn runes. They can be activated without spiritual power. Hurry up and search. They must be inside!"

Xiao Jingyun frowned. "You're so sure they've returned. Bai Wuxin didn't tell us that they've escaped."