Su Shenfan Is Bluffing

Su Sheng immediately smiled. "Shao Zun, you don't want to see Miss Lian'er sad, do you? Besides, didn't you make Miss Lian'er a promise previously?"

Su Shenfan snorted. "I've always felt Su Lian isn't anything good."

She messed up his life.

Couldn't she just be a quiet and obedient beauty, and let him pamper her? Why did she have to have a baby?

She had to take care of the baby after giving birth. How could she serve him wholeheartedly then?

The more Su Shenfan thought about it, the more he felt that giving birth wasn't worth it.

Bu Yaolian was truly heartbroken. Su Shenfan had always been nice to her, gentle and considerate, but when it came to the baby, he was so heartless that he wanted to abort it without saying anything.

She held the prescription tightly. "No matter what, I can't let the baby die. Lulu, I'll do whatever you say."