The Scum Of Men

Su Shenfan looked at that tall figure. Those hands that could cover the sky were kneading dough… He felt ill.

"How embarrassing. He's the scum of men." Su Shenfan lamented on the side, then went to see what the chefs had that night.

He asked for a hot pot, which was best enjoyed in winter.

The hot pot made by the chefs in Prince Zi's residence in particular was extraordinary.

When Su Shenfan went out, he saw Feng Qingtian still kneading dough seriously. Su Shenfan couldn't stand it.

He returned to his own room; he didn't dare see Bu Yaolian. He knew that she must be very upset, and probably hated him.

Thinking this, Su Shenfan was annoyed.

Why should he be afraid of seeing her?

If I tell her to give birth, she'll give birth. If I don't, she won't give birth. What can she do to me?

Frustrated, Su Shenfan kicked over the chair next to his feet. Before long, the hot pot was sent in.