The Officials Have White Hair

Gu Bailu wasn't doing this for some dream. Her dream was to live a carefree life with her family.

However… she couldn't fulfill this dream now.

She wasn't some saint who wanted the people to be enlightened. She just didn't want humans to disappear.

When a world was about to die, it would first go crazy. Once the massacre reached a certain point, the human world would be no more.

She was doing this for herself. She wanted to stay in the human world and wait for her son.

She believed he would come back one day. If it wasn't in this life, there was still the next. If not in the next life, there were still thousands of years after that. As long as her soul didn't die, there would always be a chance.

The noble families of Southern Glory Empire realized that their days were getting harder and harder.

On the other hand, the commoners on the street were very happy.