sam's P.O.V

About a hundred years ago,I,sam was about to die in an accident involving the loon lagoons to sink,but before i died i looked in my thoughts about my life,my job and the one person on my mind.He wasn't born yet but maybe about a hundred years later,he would come and awaken my soul,damn i wanted to see him in the flesh but love has its own ways

After i died i was supposed to see darkness but i just couln't forget him,realizing this,my body was dead but not my soul.I searched for ages and finally one day,someone came to the island,i wont forgive them if they're trying to steal lives so we attacked but when the wind blew the sails away,i could see the mans face clearly,in that position and weather was perfect,staring at his face,i realised that the guy looked exactly like the person from my dream.

Realizing this,i stoped attacking and dissapeared,on the other hand i keep on wanting to see him but because he was busy,i didn't interfer,"Alex, want a cup"looks like i dont have to investigate,maybe i should hum his name in the night.

That night,i started to hum his name as i stared at him,and then he woke up,i was shocked at first but still reminded cool after.Aaahhh cant help but blush is all i have,why is he staring at meee,i feel like im being harrased right now.

After saying those words,i cant help but blush again and when he blushed i blush too,i cant hold back my desire to touch him~.

Why did he tried to reject me,well ofcourse you dont see strangers confessing to someone they just met and immidiantly gets rejected*sorry*but why me.

Damn i cant control myself and kissed him and marked his neck,i wasn't prepared for what happend next,Alex had fainted and carrying him was not easy at all but his sleeping face was adorable so i couln't resist.

The next morning,i was staring at the ship from the distance and then started to follow them but when they arrived,i wanted to hug alex but this guy keeps on talking to him like they're a couple and thats what made me pissed off but i got a feeling that the guy is not normal.

When Alex left,i wanted to follow him but then i heard this guy so called levi was mumbling something but nah who cares i only care about is my alex so i flew away in search of him.
