
In the night of december as the snow falls, a wish of greed was granted indeed as one puffed out of the others.

The next morning

Sam looked out off the window to see the snow heavily falling in excitement as Levi quietly went in to Alex's room.Levi searched the bed,closets and bathrooms but to no avain he couldn't find Alex anywhere.

"WAAAH!!"suddenly out of nowhere,a baby crawled out from under the bed.Hearing the cry,the others quickly went inside to check(except for mason)

"Alex?!"John shouted in shock as he carried the baby into his arm.

"What happend to you?"Sam looked confused but yet excited to see Alex when he was a child.

"Why are you guys looking at him like that! he's not a statue,give him some clothes cause it's cold here"Rin shouted and instructed them to buy some milk while both the twins looked after Baby Alex.

"i can't believe we can't play with him anymore"Ran pouted as he pinch Alex's cheecks

"Go-No Santa must be testing us or something"Rin looked pissed as he thought of it but immidiantly paniced when Alex started crying again.

"Here some toys-no...how about this"Ran looked up towards Rin hoping he would know what to do

"Maybe a change of diapers?"Rin also looked confused.

"Well we can't feed him milk since the others are slow in buying"Before Rin bragged about the others being slow and late,there was a knock on the door.

All the normal people would hear were falling leaves and branches but for them they could hear mason talking.

"Give me Alex,i know how to calm him down"Mason spoked in a serious tone.

"I only trust you because you are his friend"Rin and Ran went outside in the snow after dressing up and faced mason in the garden.Now in tbe form of human,Mason carried the still crying Alex and started to sing a lullaby.

"It's a shame that you can't fully go out since it's not cherry blossom season"Ran whispered as the cold swept by a couple of time.

"Don't worry,i'll have him for the entire month after all"Mason looked up with a smirk in his face.

"Okay that's enough"Rin and Ran' face darken as Rin carefully carried Alex back home.

While the others...

"YOU LUNATIC OLD MAN!!"Levi looked at John as both Sam and John had left him fend for himself whrn a ghost confronted them for stealing.

"AND YOU PIRATE FREAK WHY DID YOU GUYS LEFT ME!!"Levi looked angry since the ghost charged him for the theft.

"Calm down Levi,it haa been two hours now and all we could do is run"John looked side ways to see if the ghost was following them

"BTW who's wish was it to make Alex turned into a baby for a day?"John looked at both of them suspiciously.

"Do you mean that Alex turning into a baby was someone's wish?"Sam looked shocked but at the same time praised the person for making it happend.

"Well it's not me because Alex is already my baby in heart"Levi answered as if talking to a princess.Both Sam and John tried not to barf at Levi's answer and wished that could answer like that.

The others ended up going home to see Alex all grown up again and immidiantly hugged him.They ended up spending the night telling stories and eating cookies.

The night darkens and the silent falls but a jiggle could be heard slightly away from the clouds.Mason woked up to finally have his wish.

He walked through the door and finally inside Alex's room.Waking him up with a kiss,the two starte dto make uot the entire night.

The next morning,Eveyone woked up shocked to see Mason walking around and as they looked at the cristmas tree,tons of presents could be seen.


~**THE END**~