
In a dim light room,Alex was seen laying in his bed as he slowly drifted back to his sleep...

In the dream,he looked at his suroundings with confusion written on his face.

As if in disbelief,he rubbed his eyes to see if it was all fake but to his suprise,the event he was seeing was still there.

A ceremony where one gets married to his/her beloved but what confused Alex the most was that the groom was him and the bride was an unknown woman who he had never seen before.

He looked at the bride and though'why did i married her?'

Alex didn't hate the fact that he was married in this dream but he was confused at the fact that the bride looked like a thot with men already in her bed.

Even thought he was rude for thinking like that it was still true that men had already been on her bed as all the people at her side were mostly her manstress and some were even wearing collars which shivered Alex.

As he looked closer,his neck which had letters of his beloved ones was gone.Alex looked at the side for them but none was seen.

He stepped closer but to no avain,his vision became more distant as another scene was played.

This time,it was a scene of him laying unconscious on the bride's bed but this time,the marks on his neck was still there.

"Ah~Alex,you are one lucky man to have a bunch of guys loving you while i change my manstress like clothes.

Oh well~maybe if i make you mine,they will instantly go after me as you are my property starting from now"The woman injected some unknown liquid to Alex's neck as all the marks dissapear.

"and now after this,you'll have to take responsibility for your actions"Alex looked in disbelief but couln't think in time as he suddenly woked up.

He ran out of his room and hugged the first person he saw,john.

John looked confused but still he was delighted to hug him back after glancing at the jealous eyes.

"What happend?"Levi asked as he looked at Alex with worry,it wasn't the first time Alex had a bad dream and if he did,he would usually hug Levi in tbe past.

Alex told the whole story as the guys listened and as he told the story,one by one the guys faces turned ugly.

"What sort of liquid is that to actually make my mark dissapear"Sam questioned as if horrified by the liquid it self.

"It's a rare liquid and it is un-named but it's affects has impressed humans to the extent that they would buy it with their body just to get rid of the ghosts which marked them"John looked eorried as he continued.

"The affect will cause the humans to forget all about the ghost and the ghost will disappear instantly as the human gets injected"Silence filled the room as everyone was thinking for something.

Rin spoked first"so we just have to becareful not to attract that kind of person"

Sam looked at rin as if it was a brilliant idea"We can search for recent ghost missing and who was their lover"

Alex eyes widen as he also had an idea"we can let Mason be on the look out for the woman who stands out the most"

And like that they were already on with the ideas they have to track and prevent the dream from happening.

Alex made food for himself and after that he went to thr backyard to tell Mason about the plan...