New year...

In the night of december,as christmas fades away,new year comes by as everyone stays up for the new year count.

Alex looked at Rin and Ran as he tilt his head in confusion. All the people walked and ran to energize them self before the count so why is he chained in the bed with the door locked?

"This is the time of cheers for the new year and it is also a new year for the first kiss of the year"Rin said in excitement as Ran spoked out.

"And the first kiss only happens for once a year too"Ran looked excited as he said that and couln't wait to kiss Alex's cheeks.

Rin looked at the door and eventually blocked it with some shelves but did not covered the window so that the three of them could see the fireworks together.

"Ran,secure the door with extra stuffs so that no one can try to snatch Alex away"Rin looked towards Alex before glancing back to see an empty bed.

As Rin and Ran were discussing,Levi went through the walls and then proceeded to carry Alex in a bridal style.

"Not all ghosts are stupid but let's just say that they are stupid to think that i can't get through"With a swoosh,Alex and Levi flew up to the sky as the view was out of the world.

Levi tooked Alex to different types of places and decided to have a rest on the highest building.

"Hey Alex,look at the view from here! isn't it more amazing than the place where you were captivated in".Levi looked beside him to see no one and panicked.

And again,Alex looked at the calm John as they flew somewhere more peaceful.

"Let's stay here,this trees are like the perfect shades"John looked at Alex as he continued to talk about why he should get the firat kiss and not them.

"Yes that is interesting but-"Alex was about to tell his opinion when suddenly a tree branch cover his view as he was swept away.

John looked beside him and started to search for Alex while Mason hid Alex in the bushes.

"You can play hide and seek with anyone but playing with my heart is a no"Mason smiled as he touchs Alex's face.

Just as Mason leaned in for a kiss,Sam came out from nowhere and quickly picked Alex up with a dash for somewhere safe.

"You cosplay maniac!!"Mason shouted in the distance as Sam's speed increase.

"Hey Alex,you should save your first kiss with the person who marked you first~"Sam said cheekily as he stopped near a food stand.

"Here!Some skewer"Sam looked beside him and again like the others,Alex dissapeared.

"Ah damn it!"Sam looked mad as he cursed the guy who might have stolen Alex.

The stall keeper looked at Sam in disbelief as he started to talk.

"You know young man,you should take care of your lover so that he won't run away with anothe man"Sam looked at him.

"What clothes was the man wearing and give me details"The stall keeper looked at him with a smile.

"That will be 1 Dollar"Sam widened his eyes but was still thankful that the stall keeper did not charge him more.

Alex however looled more shocked as he saw the person carrying him with a satisfied smile.

"who..?"Alex looked at the man's eyes and gasped...

That night,the others returned with dissapointment on their face since the count down already ended.

They questioned each other if they got the kiss but none of them admitted it.

Alex returned shortly with some presents that he had bought erly in the morning before new year count.

The guys rushed towards Alex with excitement as if whether or not he had been kissed by one of them since they never admit about it.

Alex blushed and then proceeded to hug John.The others looked at John in envy as they all lined up(fought) to kiss Alex next...

lolol uwu nice cover today but i don't think that will be permenant lol and happy new year to all well i am writing this on the second but who cares.

Lol i had a difficult time thinking about this as i am single if you read my life is boring as i stated that i have no one but let's look forward into it and meet new people.
