Totally not April Fool's Day Episode

"Princess. We should fall back. There are too many of them." One of the officers said to the Princess.

"No. We will hold our ground until the end." The Princess replied with a stoic and unwavering tone.

Thousands of Goblins are in the field right now planning to attack the small town near the border of the kingdom but the Princess' army managed to get here in time.

The Princess' army only has around five hundred soldiers but they are fully equipped and well-trained. Most of them are mounted too so they have a certain advantage in the battle.

The Princess stands in the very front of her army, on foot and wearing only the armor she has been wearing when she started fighting a long time ago. She is killing everything that dares to approach her. Her sword is like wind every time she swings it. Nobody in the world will ever believe that this eighteen-year woman can fight in a strength equivalent to a hundred soldiers.

A Giant Goblin suddenly pushed his way in the battlefield so he can face the Princess. He is about twice the height of an average human. He is carrying a mace in his hands.

The Princess saw the coming monster but she remained calm and waited for it to come to her. She remembered that the monster is called a hobgoblin. A slightly different species of goblin but still as cruel and merciless.

The Hobgoblin quickly swings his mace towards the Princess but she quickly evades it and rolls near the feet of the monster.

The Princess quickly stab her sword in the crotch of the Hobgoblin and the monster screams and drop on his knees. She took this chance to finish off the Hobgoblin and swings her sword to cut the monster's head.

After killing the Hobgoblin, the Princess quickly turned her attention on the battlefield. She saw that her army is starting to get overwhelmed but she also knows that they the only ones standing between the town full of innocent people and thousands of savage monsters.

"Horse!" The Princess shouted and one of the mounted soldiers quickly approached her and gave his mount.

The Princess hopped on the horse's back and quickly shouted "Personal Guards and all the mounted soldiers! With me!". She knows that the battle is hopeless but she has a plan.

The Princess started gathering her elite cavalry with her and most of her army's mounted soldiers. They are in battle formation and just waiting for the Princess' order.

"We will lose this battle if we keep on doing this but don't fret because I have a plan!" The Princess shouted to her army.

The Princess maneuvered her horse so it is facing in the goblin's army center. Everyone around her already knows what the Princess is thinking.

"We will kill the Goblin Lord! Now, who's with me!?" The Princess shouted and everyone quickly cheered while raising their weapons in the air.

After a moment, the Princess kicked her horse to move it forward and ordered to her troops to charge.

There are only about two hundred soldiers charging towards the sea of Goblins but the assault is unhindered and unstoppable because morale is really high and the Princess herself is leading the charge.

They cut down every Goblin in their path and it didn't take long for them to reach the headquarters of the Goblin Lord.

The Goblin Lord sees this foolish struggles of the humans and didn't even tried to stop them to reach him. He is now surrounded and he is facing the famed Princess of the Human Kingdom.

The Princess quickly dismounted in her horse since she is proficient fighting on foot rather on horseback. She readied her sword on her left hand and adjusted her helmet so she can see perfectly what is in front of her. She started walking towards the Goblin Lord.

The Goblin Lord sends two of his best Hobgoblin Personal Guards to stop the Princess but they are swiftly killed in a single sword slash.

The Goblin Lord stares at the Princess and he is full of shock. He didn't believe any of the rumors about her and just told himself that no humans possessed that kind of strength. He sends more of his Personal Guards towards her but they are quickly killed with little effort.

"You monster! What are you?" The Goblin Lord shouted at the Princess and he quickly rose in his makeshift movable throne.

"You are the monster here." The Princess replied with an indifferent tone.

The Goblin Lord readies his club while the Princess readies her sword.

There is a moment of silence between them while there is a raging battle around.

The Goblin Lord makes the first move by charging forward and quickly swinging his club down.

The Princess didn't bother to evade and just raise her sword to block the attack.

The blow of the Goblin Lord was so great that the ground beneath them cracked and shook for awhile.

The Princess managed to withstand the attack of a giant monster with ease using only her left hand. The Goblin Lord is so shocked about this and he quickly pulled his club and jumps back to distance himself with the Princess.

"Is that the best you can do?" The Princess taunted the Goblin Lord while she is swinging her sword around to condition herself to fight the monster.

The Goblin Lord didn't take the bait and remained calm. He stares at the Princess who is just standing around waiting for him to make a move.

"Well, if you won't attack then I guess I'll just have to charge." The Princess said in a casual tone while preparing herself to fight.

The Goblin Lord quickly prepared himself for the coming attack but he didn't anticipate for the Princess to move so fast.

The Princess leaped forward and managed to get close to the Goblin Lord so quick. She swings her sword towards the giant monster but he managed to block the attack.

The Goblin Lord managed to protect himself but his hands were about to give up because of the amount of force he just blocked. Before he can reorient himself, the Princess raised her right hand and punch the giant monster on his stomach.

All of the air quickly leaves out of the lungs of the Goblin Lord. He was about to curl his body in pain but the Princess quickly swings her sword again, cutting his right arm who is holding the club.

The arm of the Goblin Lord drops on the ground and the monster screamed so loud. He tries to grab his right hand to put it back in place since he can use his ability to regenerate but the Princess just kicked it off and sends it flying in the distance.

"You bit...!" The Goblin Lord tried to scream at the Princess but she just swings her sword cutting the Goblin Lord's head.

The Princess' army cheered for this victory but the cheering didn't last long.

The leader of the Goblin army is dead but the horde of monsters are still fighting furiously.

The Princess knows that killing the leader of the monster is not enough to stop the onslaught. She quickly heads back to her mount and screamed: "Target the smalls ones and leave the giant monsters to me!".

The battle between humans and goblins rage on for the whole day.

When the sun is about to go down, thousands of dead goblins lay in the field outside the border. There are also about half of the Princess' army lay dead in the battlefield.

Not a single monster tried to run away or beg for their life. They fought with everything they got but all of them still got slaughtered in the hands of the Princess' army since they got no coordination because their leader was dead.

The Princess herself managed to kill a hundred or so enemies, maybe even more since she lost count of how many she slew in the battle. She moved her horse in the battlefield to see her soldiers, that she trained herself, lay dead on the ground.

"Burn the dead bodies before the moon rises on top of our heads." The Princess ordered to her soldiers.

"Even our soldiers, your highness?" one of the soldiers asked.

"Are they considered 'dead bodies'?" The Princess said while she turned her head around to face the soldier.

The soldiers flinched at the indifferent tone of the Princess but all of them knew that they can't leave the dead bodies since they might be Necromancers around lurking in the surroundings and they might take advantage of this situation.

They quickly followed the Princess orders and started piling the dead bodies. They also started cutting down trees in the nearby forest for the bonfire.

The Princess watches of what is left of her army work then she quickly turned around to head towards the town to check on them if they are alright.

She is with around twenty of her best guards and they are galloping towards the town.

The sun is already gone but the people standing on top the wall of the town and saw the coming cavalry, They quickly ready themselves to defend the town but saw that the flags carrying by the coming soldiers are the Princess' flag.

The town militias quickly opened its gates for the Princess.

The Princess was greeted with loud cheering and applause but she can't really feel that she won the battle. She lost half of her army and will probably lose even more since she received a report about another horde of monsters attacking the Kingdom. This time it is the Snakemen tribes of the marshlands.

It seems that the Snakemen heard about the Goblin's invasion and is planning to take advantage of this to take lands from the Human Kingdom but the Princess will never let that happen.

After parading in the town, ignoring the cheering and applause of the town's people, the Princess quickly heads to the room that was given to her by the Lord of this town.

The room is really beautiful and it fits for the Royal Princess but the Princess didn't care about this sort of thing.

The Princess is still soaked in so much blood of the goblins but she just ignored it and opened the map of the Human Kingdom in the table.

There is still a week or so before the Snakemen reaches the border of the Kingdom so they still have enough time to rest and prepare for another battle.

"Pardon the intrusion, Princess, but don't you think it is about time you take a rest."

The Princess heard a voice behind her and she didn't even notice that someone just barge in her room without knocking. She cursed herself for being too careless but that is probably because she is a little bit tired from the recent battle.

"I'm fine. We still have another horde of monsters to deal with." The Princess said to the man who is now walking towards the table the Princess is planning for the next battle.

The Princess turns her head towards the man who just came in her room and stares at him. She knows this old man from her childhood. He is the one who taught her how to lift a sword and how to fight.

"How many legions the kingdom still have?" The Princess asked her trusted old general.

"Ten, your highness. Two guarding each of the borders in the north, east, south, and west and another two guarding the capital." The General replied.

'Around fifty thousand soldiers.' The Princess thought to herself.

The Princess knows that the number of soldiers defending each border is barely enough to defend the kingdom so she can't call for any reinforcement which means she just has to deal with the invasion of the Snakemen with what little army she has.

Both the Princess and the General started planning for the coming invasion and after a while, she sends him away so she can finally rest.

The Princess takes off her armor, exposing her well-built body which she accumulated for fighting in the front lines for a long time.

As she was about to strip so she can clean herself, she suddenly stares at the map one more time and remembered how vast this world is.

Monsters, Elves, Dwarfs and even Dragons live in this world and the weakest among them, the Humans.

The Princess thought to herself that the humans will never bow down to anyone. She will have to die first before allowing that to happen.

'Just wait and see. All of them will know the true capabilities of the humans and most importantly they will know me, no, I will make sure that they will never forget about me.' The Princess thought to herself while clenching her fist on the table.

'I am Princess Alexandria Beatrice Celestria Destefani and I'm going to leave a huge mark in this world.'