Doing Some Shopping Before the Zombies Drop

The four all looked at the screen dumbfounded for a second, while the chat in the stream exploded.

"I do hope we get something for coming in second..." Alex broke the silence.

"Wait... you guys heard that, right? The footsteps sounded like it was coming in from the left, how come after a brief pause it appeared again on the right side?" Christian was almost thinking that there was something wrong with his ears or if there was a bug with the game.

"Actually, I think I know what happened..." Elon thought for a second and continued. "As he was sprinting towards you, he was indeed coming at you from the left. However, that sprint gave him a longer jumping distance, and he jumped towards your right side. He was in the air, hence the brief pause in steps, and when he landed on the right side of the rock, it was already too late when he landed and made that last step to get into sight to shoot you."

"Yeah, props to that guy, everything was executed perfectly, down to every movement," Jay exclaimed.

"Well, it was about 12, let's start preparing for the next wave of zombies, we have about 3 hours left," Elon suggested, and the boys got to work.

The situation was looking a lot better for them this time. Now that they had suppressors, there was no longer a need for them to make that sketchy drive out to the bridge to drop the zombie aggro, and they can fort up and camp at their house.

Jay went on the special Nirvana tablet to see if there was an update.

"The difficulty of zombie waves increases per wave, be prepared for Wave #3." A new update was posted.

"Well, sh*t."

"Do you guys want to order more stuff?"

"Well, I think we should, money won't be any use if we die..."


Jay clicked into the store section to see if there were anything he could purchase. If they were to buy now, maybe people won't have the time to try and rob them since the zombies are coming soon.

This time, the store displayed a lot more stuff. Since they had all the weapon and ammunition and that the zombie drop difficulty varies based on the amount of firepower in the area, the group obviously wouldn't purchase more weapon.

They just went to the [Protection] tab and found many newly-appeared items. There are gears of different series, like the Vanguard series, Aegis Series, and Shadow series. Each series comes in three tiers, costing 5 thousand credits for tier 1, 50 thousand credits for tier 2, and 500 thousand credits for tier 3.

For tier 3, it's basically paying 5 million USD for a full set of combat gears, but looking at the images of the product, it does look hella futuristic.

"You know what pisses me off about Nirvana? Fine, if you want to sell us gears for that much, go ahead, I'm going to be salty but I will probably end up buying anyway. But, can you at least give us more information? Maybe some description on what the suit can do like a normal online-shopping platform? Or add a customer review section too, let us see what other people that bought it have to say," Christian couldn't help but frown after seeing these new items, but everyone could tell he really wanted to be in one of those but was trying to find reasons to logically convince that he does not want to make the purchase.

Much to their surprise, a review section was coded in right away for display, shocking everyone.

"Wait, is he spying on us?" Christian's legs were shaking. If he knew that Nirvana could hear them, he would've requested the changes in a much nicer manner.

"Well, I'm not surprised. Even Google and Amazon are possibly eavesdropping us to tailor the ads to us better, so what if Nirvana does it?" Elon said nonchalantly.

"I'm actually more curious if Nirvana's going to add in the product description section," Jay laughed and said.


The app received a message with no subject from ID Unknown. "Too lazy."

The squad was speechless.

Well, no time to waste. They had in total about half million dollars left in cash in their bank account, and if the bank would to declare bankruptcy right now, they might not be able to get any money back. In the case of an apocalypse where everyone's just trying to survive, it would be a wild wish for the companies out there to still operate.

So, after some discussion, the group decided to just transfer 90% of their money to Nirvana, since if Nirvana wanted to f*ck them over, it would've done that by now. It was clearly not after the money since it had more than the technology needed to rob and hack banks.

Besides, the apocalypse probably wouldn't be ending anytime soon and during this whole time, fiat money would probably be useless until the governments around the world re-establish order. By then, the Big D Brings Spring squad could easily go back to their old profession and make more money.

So in total, it was about 450,000 dollars transferred to their Nirvana account, converting to 45,000 credits. Once the transfer was complete, Jay immediately added a tier 1 vanguard series suit for himself. As the name and pictures suggest, this one basically has nothing special.